Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Quiet Time

Quiet Time: a time of peace and serenity, with little to no distractions.

How often do you have quiet time? My guess is not very often. In today's busy world, it can be a struggle to find even 5 minutes of quiet. With cell phones ringing or beeping with phone calls, texts, tweets, emails and facebook updates, it can be hard to not always be on edge, aniticipating the next sound. Anticipation and excitement is not a bad thing, but if we are surrounded by it all the time, we become more anxious, stressed, and fatigued. Our bodies and minds were not made for 24 hour stimulation.

What does quiet time do for you?

1. Brings a sense of balance to your day.

2. Decompresses you from daily stresses.

3. Lessens anxiety.

4. It helps clear your mind, so you can return to your job with more focus and feeling refreshed.

So, what does quiet time look like? It depends on the person. Here are some suggestions for you to try:

1. Take a hike, with the phone off and no IPod.

2. Go for a walk in the park.

3. Spend time reading a good book, the Bible, or an inspirational article.

4. Turn off the radio in the car, and just be mindful of your drive.

5. Meditate.

6. Pray.

How do I make time for Quiet Time:

1. Wake up thirty minutes early or stay up for thirty minutes.

2. Take it 5 minutes at a time. One woman would take bathroom breaks and would actually go sit in the bathroom for 5 minutes reading or meditating.

3. Turn off the TV for thirty minutes. You can tape your show or catch up on the news online later or in the next news broadcast.

4. Schedule it in your day planner. If it's written down as part of your day, you are more likely to follow through.

5. Eat lunch during the work day outside.

Comment on how you use quiet time in your daily life and how it has impacted your daily living.

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