Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Meeting the Body’s Needs with Awareness

Ever find yourself at the end of long day and realize that you ate all your meals in the car? Frequently notice that you skip breakfast, shovel a donut in your mouth between meetings, and come home from work starving? Experiencing digestion problems? Haven’t slept for more than six hours a night in the past month?

All of these could be signs of hectic eating patterns that can lead to or stem from overeating, under-eating, weight disturbances, anxiety, depression, and poor health. In today’s fast-paced world, many of us struggle to find time for some of life’s most basic components, such as sleeping or eating. However, we would benefit to place these fundamental activities as a starting point for our day rather than an afterthought.

When was the last time you listened to your body? What did it tell you? Maybe it said, “I need to go to bed early tonight,” or “I’d love some granola for breakfast.” Maybe it said, “Take a walk,” or “Go have tea and laugh with a friend.” Listen to your body's signals. All of the rest of the events of our life happen because we have a body, so take care of it, and don't fool yourself into thinking other things are more important.

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