Death in general is somewhat a taboo subject and we rarely talk about it with our children. Today I (Millie) would like to offer some suggestions on how to handle the topic of death with your children.
First of all, no matter the age, it’s important to share what’s age appropriate. Sometimes the more details make it more confusing for the younger child, but the same details can be comforting or helpful for the teen.
Toddlers to age 7 or 8: The idea of God, heaven or any sort of after life is unconceivable for children in this age group. As adults, we understand that death is final (in this world at least depending on your beliefs) permanent. However, children of this age cannot understand abstract ideas such as an afterlife. In fact there was one child who wanted to “visit” grandma, so he tried to kill himself, not realizing he wouldn’t be able to come home to his parents after seeing grandma. Luckily he was saved and is okay.
So what do you say when the child asks questions about death:1. Be concrete: Daddy died, he loved you very much but we won’t be seeing him again. Please don’t tell the child that Daddy fell asleep and never woke up, this will make nap and bed time a challenge for both you and the child
2. Name emotions for the child: It’s really sad to not be able to see Daddy anymore. It’s not fair and its okay to be angry that he is not here. I miss Daddy too. What do you miss most? By helping them identify the emotions and letting them know its okay will help them process it better.
3. Create a Memory Book: Gather some photos, have your child draw pictures, and help your child create a story about the loved one. I’ve had some older children create many different chapters, for the younger ones, it may be more basic. This book then can be used to help comfort the child when they miss the loved one. This could just be a separate coping skill as well, draw what you liked to do with grandma, for example.
4. Read Children’s Books dealling with Death:
For the Grieving Child: An Activities Manual by Suzan Jaffe, S. Jaffe, and Jayme LaFleur
I Miss You: A First Look At Death by Pat Thomas and Leslie Harker
A Butterfly for Brittany: A Children’s Book About the Death of Another Child, from a Child’s Point of View by Cristine Thomas
What the Dormouse Said: Lessons for Grown-ups from Children’s Books by Amy Gash, Pierre Le-Tan, and Judith Viorst
If you follow a particular faith, you can use that, but be sure to be more concrete: Daddy went to live with Jesus. You know how we talk to Jesus when we pray? We can talk to Daddy the same way. Leave this to your best judgement because some children will have trouble understanding this concept.
Transitional object: If the child has lost a pet, a stuffed animal resembling the pet can help them adjust to the pet being gone. Let them name the object (9 times out 10 they will name it after the lost pet). If the child lost a family member or friend, a doll or something that reminds them of that person can be a comforting object for them as well.
Older Children and Teens: Around 10 years of age, children begin to understand more about death and the abstract ideas that you and your family may have about the after life. This is a nice time to discuss more about faith and your beliefs. Since your older child or teen is starting to find their identity, be sure to give them some space on how to grieve. Not everyone grieves the same way, so although its important to help them cope in healthy ways (w/o drinking and drugs and sex), give them some flexibility if their coping style is different than yours.
1. Have conversations as they arise: Sometimes parents don’t bring up the loved one because its too painful for them and/or they want to protect their child/teen. By ignoring it, you might be sending the wrong message. Instead, by talking about missing the loved one, or sharing a memory or continuing a tradition the loved one enjoyed, teaches the child/teen its okay to remember and be sad about the loved one being gone. A benefit of doing this (although hard to imagine shortly after a death) is that these moments eventually turn from difficult to comforting, but it takes time.
Help your teen label the emotions and talk about how to cope
2. Teens might enjoy creating a memory book, blog page, or a website paying tribute to the loved one. It’s similar to the memory book noted above.
3. Schedule and Structure: Especially if the loved one lived in the home or was part of the family’s daily lives, its important to keep a predictable schedule similar to what life was like before the death. Children of any age find it comforting when they know what to expect, and need that reassurance especially after a death.
Take care of yourself: as adults, and especially parents, we tend to forget about ourselves because we are so concerned about how the children are doing. If you don’t take time for yourself to grieve and to get support, you won’t be very much use to your kids. Plus, you are modeling to your kids how to handle death as well.
If there are “minor” deaths that occur (ie: a turtle dies or a pet), its best not to ignore it and “replace” the pet before the child notices. Instead, these “smaller” deaths are times for the child to learn and “practice” coping with death.
If you have any questions on how to help your children cope, or you yourself need help coping, please feel free to email us at Courtney and