Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I (Courtney) have recently been spending a lot of time outside. Fall is my favorite season, and I love to observe the trees changing colors, the leaves falling to the ground, and the first snowfall here in Denver. I find it easier to stop and be mindful when I'm outside in nature.

When I'm at home or work, it is easy to become unmindful because of an omnipresent to do list, the challenges of being a working mom, and just the general distractions of chores and the like that easily grab my attention. Ironically, the situations where it is so easy for me to become unmindful are the ones where I could most use my mindfulness skills!

Recently I was reading the great book Eat, Drink and Be Mindful by Dr. Susan Albers, where she talks about the two-fold benefit of being mindful:
1. When we are mindful, we tend to pause and respond in situations instead of reacting from an unmindful place.
2. When we are consistently mindful, our bodies stay more relaxed, and thus we approach life from a state of relaxation instead of a state of stress.

One of my favorite books about mindfulness is The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh. It reminds me that people have been struggling to achieve a consistent state of mindfulness for thousands of years, and also that the benefits of mindfulness have been recognized for an extremely long period of time. It reminds me that as challenging as it is to be mindful in day to day life, it is worth it, and it gets easier with practice.

Today I encourage you to take a minute to pause and be mindful, be it while you are having dinner, playing with your dog, working through your to do list, or taking a walk outside. Take a minute to be present in your life where you are instead of focusing on where you are going next. See how you change because of these moments.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Self-Care Through the Holidays

With Thanksgiving only three days away, you may be wondering how you are going to find time to cook the stuffing, carve the turkey, pack the suitcase, prepare for Black Friday, etc. etc. etc. with all you have going on already in your day to day life. While joyful, the holidays can pack on extra stress related to extended finances, increased time commitments, and strained family relationships.

So how can you approach Turkey Day with your feet on the ground and a (real) smile on your face? Here are some strategies for self-care through the holidays:

1. Prioritize: Related to finances, time, and relationships. Decide the things that are most important for you to spend money on. For example, do you really love spending your cash on stamps and paper holiday cards, or would you be fine with an email or phone greeting and rather spend that money on a gift for a treasured friend? Also, what time commitments are most important to you? Is it your company's holiday party, or a family member's intimate dinner and white elephant gift exchange? Focus your attention this holiday season on what matters most to you, not all the things you think you "should" do.

2. Take time for yourself: Even in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, remember to put yourself first. Approach your days with energy and balance by taking the time you need for rest and relaxation. "Gift yourself," so to speak, with the things you enjoy most.

3. Remember humor and a sense of perspective: Your sense of humor and your connection to others beyond your own experience can offer useful perspective during the holidays. I (Courtney) used to laugh that my birthday, which is around the holidays in December, was cursed because I injured myself several years in a row a few days before my birthday. One year I fainted (I was sick and trying to put my game face on at a holiday event) and bopped my head on a concrete sidewalk and had to spend the night in the hospital. Another year I slipped on the ice and broke my shoulder. Now it is a running joke for me around this time of year to wait for another injury. It's not actually a funny situation, but it reminds me to not be so worried and controlling of all that is beyond my control (like that patch of ice I just didn't see). All I can do is my best, and then remember beyond that that other people are both struggling and having joys too.

The holidays are a time for community, laughter, and focusing in on what matters most to you. Using your values as a guide to holiday decision-making will keep you on the right track.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Giving Back

The holiday season is upon us, and what a great time to remember to give back to others in our community. Often it is easy to be focused on the stress of travel, shopping, cooking, parties, work projects, etc. during this of year. Especially given the state of the economy, this year's holidays might carry even more stress in trying to shop and entertain on a budget.

When we feel stressed, it is easy to narrow our focus to encompass only our own lives. We may feel an enormous weight on our shoulders and have a sense of hopelessness about change. By giving back, we can connect to others, which enables us to regain a sense of perspective and move out of black and white thinking, and also feel a sense of pride in values-oriented decision-making.

Here are some ways to get involved right now, right here in our community:

Nine Cares Colorado Shares Winter Clothing, Toy and Food Drive (THIS weekend!):

37th Annual Turkey Trot benefitting the Mile High United Way (Thanksgiving Day, 2010):

First Annual "Colorado Gives" Day - give where you live! benefitting local non-profits like the Kempe Foundation for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (December 8, 2010):