Valentine’s Day, Christmas and New Years are the most popular times to get engaged. If you got engaged over these holidays, you are likely embarking on the great task of wedding planning. Thus, a very one-of-a-kind challenge begins for your relationship. He wants this, and you want something different. How do you talk about it? How and when do you compromise? How do you handle your future in-laws and your parents and their opinions?
Planning a wedding can be great practice for marriage because you both are forced to communicate your thoughts and opinions, and you will also have to compromise. Even if you are the most in-love people in the world, you will not always agree.
Suggestion #1: Use “I” statements. Your partner will feel less defensive if you are talking about your experience and thoughts and not putting things on him/her.
For example:
“I understand that you want your high school band to play at our wedding, but I would really like to have Tony DJ because he has a lot of experience and we know he plays good dance songs.”
Instead of saying “Your high school band is awful and they would ruin everything. What a stupid idea.”
Another example: “When you keep making all the decisions without talking to me first, I feel left out and not important.” Instead of “You are making all the decisions! You are so selfish. What about my opinion?”
(Notice the pattern in the first example: Validation + expression of your wishes and why. The pattern in the second example: Identify a behavior + express how you feel.)
Suggestion #2: When you first see your fiancĂ©e, ask him/her how their day was. Give them time to unwind before launching into all the planning details you did that day and questions and to-do lists you have for then. This also applies to when you are married and you have stressful things to talk about, such as finances and parenting. Wait an hour or so after you both are home for work, and then ask, “Is this a good time to talk about finances or do you want to wait until after dinner?” This gives your partner the chance to say, “You know, today was really stressful. Can we talk about it this Saturday when we both have less going on?”
Suggestion #3: No name-calling. You saw some examples of that in the first suggestion: “You’re selfish, that’s stupid, you blankety blank blank.” Just don’t do it. Even if you are kidding or apologize later, it’s a tough aspect of arguments for couples to forgive.
Problem Solving:
He wants to have the wedding outside, with BBQ and a keg, while you were picturing something more elegant with a champagne fountain and a harp player. What do you do? Once again, this is just the first of many decisions in your life together that you will be navigating.
First: Set a time to sit down and talk about what you would like; remember “I” statements. (I would like ------ because ------.) Then the other partner reflects what you said (You would like----- because -----). This does not mean that your partner agrees, it just means he/she heard and understood you. Then it’s his turn to tell you what he would like.
So you have expressed and understood what each other wants.... and you still don’t agree. Now what?
Come up with some ideas of compromise:
(Have the keg and BBQ at the rehearsal dinner; instead of a harp you have a harpest on your iPod; have an elegant ceremony with a more casual reception.... you get the idea)
Then talk about them and decide which ones are possibilities.
Ultimately, one person will likely get more of what he/she wants, so make note that the next big decision you disagree on, maybe the other person gets more what he/she wants.
Compromise: great idea in theory, but a challenge to navigate, so tread lightly and remember that you love this person and you are trying to work it out.
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