Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Everyday Tasks

I just spent part of the afternoon cooking and doing dishes. I had several things on my list to cook: banana bread for the new neighbors, pesto with herbs that were going bad in my fridge, hazelnut biscuits for an upcoming trip, etc. I have evening plans, and I found myself rushing through each item, hurrying to wash and put away the dishes and wipe down the counters. Now I find myself with an extra hour before I have to leave, and I realize I rushed through my cooking without awareness. I couldn't tell you about the smell of the basil mixing with the olive oil, or how the toasted hazelnuts looked as I kneaded them with oats and flour. I have little memory of the banana bread, except for the smell of the hot loaves that has now filled my house! (Yummy.) I couldn't describe the feel of the water running over my hands as I washed the dishes, or which towel I used to dry them off. I spent this afternoon constantly focused on the next thing.

In The Miracle of Mindfulness, Thich Nhat Hanh eloquently describes how to mindfully complete everyday tasks. He talks about using our five senses to involve ourselves fully in all we do. After all, every day we have is a gift, and if we aren't present for it, then what is the point? We miss so much, like the feast of the senses that I missed out on this afternoon, constantly thinking I need to hurry, I need to hurry. When we use all of our senses to be present during each moment, even everyday "chores" can become an adventure.

Be present in what you do. Gift yourself with a sense of slowness, and take the time to experience your everyday tasks. See what you discover.

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